Preparation of the Manuscript
Paper must be clearly written in English. The text should be presented on A4. All parts of the manuscript should be in two columns format, except the first part of the paper which includes the title, the abstract, and the list of keywords. The paper length should not exceed 10 single-spaced double column pages, including figures and tables. Margins of 15mmshould be left around the left, right, and bottom sides of the text. The top margin should be 25mm. Please number each paper but provide a short running title on the title page only.
The title page, page number one, should contain the following information: the paper title, a brief abstract a set of keywords, and text. Be ensure not to include the authors' names in your paper. The abstract should be concise and not longer than 250 words. Immediately following the abstract, no more than six keywords are to be supplied for subject indexing. Keywords should not simply be taken from the title of the paper, but should be representative of the content of the whole paper and characteristic of terminology used within the particular field of study.
The introduction of the paper must be clearly written and should explain the nature of the problem, previous, purpose and the contribution of the paper. The introduction is assigned number "1", and following sections are assigned numbers as needed. A conclusion section must be included and should indicate clearly the advantages, limitations, and possible applications.
Footnotes to the main text are acceptable and should be identified by superscripted numbers. Footnotes should appear on the page of citation.