Fuzzy Set-Point Weight for PID Controller Based on Antlion Optimizer to Congestion Avoidance in TCP/AQM Routers


  • Haneen S. Abdulkareem student
  • Osama A. Awad




Abstract: The delay in delivering packets and packets loss in computer networks is due to the problem of congestion in TCP/AQM routers, and to solve this crisis the TCP and AQM worked together. Where TCP provides secure data transfer and designed to handle congestion after its occurrence. While AQM predicts congestion and tries to resolve the problem before it occurs. In this work, the Fuzzy-PID (FPID) controller presented to manage the avoidance of congestion problems associated with TCP networks. The approach is based on hybridization between the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) and the Proportional-Integral-Derivative(PID) controller, with the structure of Fuzzy-Set-Point-Wight(FSW) for PID controller that optimized by Antlion Optimizer(ALO) Using a linearized TCP congestion model. our target is to control the queue length of the router for the queue level in demand. The FPID controller shows good robustness for a Different scenario of the TCP network and the queue length response showed fast tracking capability with good robustness to network parameters changing in comparison to PID controller, all simulations are carried out using MATLAB 2017b.




How to Cite

Fuzzy Set-Point Weight for PID Controller Based on Antlion Optimizer to Congestion Avoidance in TCP/AQM Routers. (2019). Iraqi Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2(4), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31987/ijict.2.4.73