Publication Ethics
- The journal is trying to achieve transparency by adopting an electronic submission system.
- In order to prevent plagiarism, the authors are asked to submit only entirely original works. All submitted papers are subject to investigation by the plagiarism checker and should not exceed the similarity index of 20%.
- The journal policy is based on avoiding any conflict of interest by reviewers and/or any relation between the authors and reviewers. In addition, assigning reviewers is based on the specialty and the reviewers should respect the confidentiality of material. The performance of reviewers is evaluated and any reviewer can be removed from the data base based on unacceptable performance.
- Any submitted paper to this Journal should not be submitted elsewhere. Doing that can be considered unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
- The editors are able to publish in the Journal, however, there are some restrictions for handling submissions from the editor or member of the editorial board. This includes assigning a peer review without involving the author (editor or member of the editorial board).
- The reviewing process is double blind.
All above points are based on COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Retrieved from:
Authorship Criteria
Specific names of the authors must be given, those who have made significant contribution in the research including idea of the research, design, implementation, and writing. One of the authors must be appointed as a coordinator to be in contact with the journal. A final approval should be given for the final version of the manuscript submitted to publication (the pledge).
Conflict of Interest; Editorial Board, Reviewers & Researchers
It is not permitted for the chief or the members of the editorial board to use any information stated in the unpublished documents or papers for their own scientific researches except by having a written permission from the original author of the research.
It is not allowed for reviewers to use any information and ideas stated in the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes, competitive interests, or any other interests. Furthermore, they should also disclose any conflict of interests that may make their opinion about the manuscript biased.
Researchers should reveal financial support or any other kind of support provided for them. Also, they should reveal any financial conflicts or other issues that affect the results or the interpretations of the research.